Cancelation policy

We value the diverse perspectives and experiences of our users, and we encourage collaboration and community engagement. Our platform provides opportunities for users to contribute their knowledge, share their opinions, and engage in discussions with like-minded individuals.

How do I cancel an order?
You will have the option to cancel your order directly from your confirmation email within one hour. Scroll down to find "Change your mind?". If it's more than 60 minutes, email and we'll help you find another way. I accidentally canceled my order, can I get it back?
If you have canceled your order on the site and still want to receive it, the best way to do it is to add a new order to the checkout. Email if you have any questions. We are here to help you.
I canceled my order, but I'm not sure if he approved it. Can you prove it has been cancelled?
If you cancel your order using the link in your confirmation email, you will receive another email once the order has been successfully cancelled. If you haven't received a cancellation confirmation email, let us know at (quoting your #OFR prefix) and we'll take a look.
I don't see the auto cancel option! How do I cancel my order?
If you have placed an order with a gift card, please email as soon as possible (including your #NTP code and cancel/modify your request) so we can assist you.